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Early Learning Foundations Level 3
Early Learning Foundations Level 3
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Early Learning Foundations does include key math skills, but one of the main goals of the program is neuro (brain) development. Strong pathways in the brain can mean the difference between a strong or struggling learner. These vital pathways can be thought of as highly developed highways moving information from the brain to the body. The neuro-educational approach is not workbook page driven, it is brain development driven.
- Using ELF 3 at a slower pace is also highly effective for those with learning challenges or developmental del ays.
Included in ELF 3:
Teacher's Guide
Student Workbook (additional workbooks purchased separately)
Flash cards including Digit Span Cards level 7
Visual Math Steps 1-14 are covered in this level of Early Learning Foundations as well.
Full Scope and Sequence
Number Sense and Numeration
*Counts by 1’s, 5’s, 10’s, 2's, 4's, 8's, 3's, 25's, 50’s, 100's *Counts by 10's and 5's in two and three digit numbers *Reads and writes numbers to1000 *Compares and orders numbers to 1,000 *Uses comparison symbols (<, >, =, =) *Compares and orders numbers to 1,000 *Identifies how many more or less *Identifies the digits and value in a number *Writes numbers using words to one hundred * Writes numbers in expanded notation *Rounds to the nearest 10 *Identifies place value to thousands *Identifies ordinal position to twentieth *Identifies doubles *Identifies even and odd numbers *Identifies properties of addition and subtraction *Identifies counting by groups in preparation for multiplication *Identifies addends, sums, differences in relation to part, part, whole of addition and subtraction problems *Identifies numbers and patterns on a hundred number chart
Concepts of Whole Number Operations
*Uses concrete and pictorial models for addition and subtraction *Uses concrete and pictorial models for multiplication *Recognizes the relationship between operations
Whole Number Computation
*Masters basic addition and subtraction facts *Identifies missing addends *Identifies missing addends for sums of 20 *Adds multiples of 10 and 100 *Adds multiples of 10 to a two or three-digit number *Adds two multi-digit numbers without re-grouping *Adds three or more single-digit and multi-digit numbers *Checks addition answers *Subtracts 10 from a two-digit number *Checks subtraction answers *Subtracts multi-digit numbers with re-grouping * Doubles a number
*Identifies half of a whole *Divides a shape or solid in half *Names and represents fractional parts of a whole to 12ths* *Writes part of a set as a fraction *Finds half of a set *Finds a fractional part of a set *Compares fractions *Identifies numerator and denominator
*Identifies and counts pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars and coin combinations *Adding and subtracting counted coins *Shows an amount of money using coins *Pays for items using coins *Writes money amounts using a $ sign or a ¢ sign
Geometry and Spatial Sense
*Identifies, reads, and extends repeating and continuing shape patterns * Sorts common and three dimensional geometric shapes * Identifies common and solid geometric shapes * Constructs and names lines, line segments and rays * Identifies angles; names right angles * Identifies horizontal, vertical, and oblique line segments * Identifies and draws parallel and perpendicular lines * Identifies and draws lines of symmetry
*Compares and orders objects by length * Identifies the appropriate customary unit of measure to use: Linear – inches, feet, yards Time - seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, month, years Liquid - ounces, cups, pints, quarts, half gallon, gallon *Measures using non-standard units *Measures and draws line segments to the nearest inch and 1/2 inch *Measures using feet and inches *Compares the weight of objects *Compares and estimates the capacity of containers *Finds the volume of containers in cups *Compares temperatures *Measures temperature using Fahrenheit
Perimeter and Area
*Compares and orders by the size of shapes *Measures perimeter using inches *Measures area using non-standard units
Time and Calendar
*Identifies the day of the week, month, date, and year *Identifies yesterday, tomorrow, weekday and weekend *Identifies days of the week and months of the year with abbreviations *Identifies morning, afternoon, evening, and night *Reads and represents time to the hour, half hour and quarter hour *Reads time to 5 minutes *Identifies noon and midnight *Uses a.m. and p.m. *Writes the date using digits
Data Analysis
*Organizes and compares data *Creates and reads a bar graph *Creates and reads a line graph *Creates and reads a Venn diagram *Conducts a survey *Problem solving *Identifies the missing number in a sequence

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